SMA Negeri 1 Purwareja Klampok commonly called "SMANSA virgin" is located on Jl. Raya Purwareja Klampok, Banjarnegara, Central Java, Phone / Fax: (0286) 479 092. NIS. 301 030 402 007.

SMA Negeri 1 Purwareja Klampok is one high school in Banjarnegara who use the curriculum (MOVING CLASS). Ie the learning process with the room, moving in accordance with pelajaranya eye. "Pupils who are looking for teachers." The curriculum is precisely as in Higher Education. In this case, not the teacher who seeks his students, but students who are looking for teachers. Each - each room has individual subjects - respectively. And the room - the room was adjusted with pelajaranya own eyes. Missal: the room has been adapted to biological material, inside the room there are tools - tools which required students to learn the material.

Moving With the existence of this class, students will be quicker, easier, enjoy learning in high school this Klampok Purwareja N 1. And students also do not get bored of learning. Moving This class can only run at the school who has a very wide area, one SMA N 1 Purwareja Klampok this. And soon, SMA N 1 Purwareja Klampok will use the program "Acceleration" or acceleration. And we're biased graduated from high school only two years.

Success SMANSA virgin!!

Vision School:

Faithful, pious, virtuous, achievement, and MANDIRI '

School Mission:

a. Growing appreciation and practice of religion, and thus have a strong faith and piety.
b. Inculcate noble manners, and politeness in accordance personality Indonesian nation.
c. Encourage and assist students in developing personal creativity so that they can independently.
d. Encouraging students to compete in achievement in all fields.
e. Educate Participants kesaradaran Improve discipline in order to create insight Wiyata Mandala.

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